[Sector Keynote] Smart Factory: 5G, Digitalization, AI | 2023 IIoT WPC

The smart manufacturing landscape has witnessed swift evolution, driven by the power of AI, Generative AI, Big Data Analytics, Digital Twin technology, and the harmonious collaboration between humans and robots. Advantech's ecosystem drives digital transformation, promising a bright future in smart manufacturing applications.
Industry: WISE-IoT Solutions, iFactory, Industrial Equipment
Audience Type: General
Created Date: 2023/11/08
Jash Bansidhar
AVP of Industrial IoT, MD of Advantech Europe, Advantech Industrial IoT
Harinderpal Hanspal
Principal Partner, Momenta Ventures
Taka Furusawa
Sector Head of Industrial IoT, Advantech Japan
Tiger Yeh
Senior Manager of Industrial Automation Group, Advantech Industrial IoT
Miguel Muñoz de Morales
Head of Smart Industry Consulting of Europe, Orange Business
Maxime Blouin
Chief Revenue Officer and EVP, Raven.ai
Vincent Gache
CEO, Integral System
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