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2024/03/08 | UTC+4 | English |
2024 MEA Oil and Gas Webinar Integrating Cybersecurity in Oil & Gas Safety Solutions |
2024/03/05 | UTC+9 | English |
COM-HPC Unboxing SOM-C350/Performance Test |
2024/03/05 | UTC+9 | Japanese |
【COM-HPC】 SOM-C350の開封/パフォーマンステスト |
2024/03/01 | UTC+3 | Turkish |
IIoT Webinar Advantech Türkiye Makine Endüstrisinin Geleceği ve Özel Advantech Çözümleri Webinarı |
2023/11/30 | UTC+8 | English |
Partnering from Edge to Cloud Solutions 2023 Advantech Service-IoT World Partner Conference |
2023/11/30 | UTC+8 | English |
Edge Evolution - Shaping the Future of Embedded and Emerging Business 2023 Advantech Embedded-IoT World Partner Conference |
2023/10/26 | UTC+8 | English |
Partnering for the next AIoT 2023 Advantech Industrial-IoT World Partner Conference |
2023/09/06 | UTC+4 | English |
Smart Manufacturing AI-Enhanced AGV and AMR Webinar - Revolutionizing Smart Manufacturing |
2023/08/17 | UTC+8 | Traditional Chinese |
AIoT智能共創園區落成參訪與交流 2023研華產業夥伴峰會 |
2023/08/16 | UTC-3 | Turkish |
Akıllı Ulaşım Sistemlerinde Dijital İkiz Uygulamaları Akıllı Ulaşım Sistemlerinde Dijital İkiz Uygulamaları ve Advantech Çözümleri |
2023/07/12 | UTC+9 | Korean |
IIoT Webinar - Edge AI Advantech Connect | Edge AI 기반의 디지털 혁신 전략 |
2023/07/06 | UTC+3 | Turkish |
IIoT Webinar Advantech Türkiye Enerji Sektörü ve Sektöre Özel Advantech Çözümleri Webinarı |
2023/05/31 | UTC+4 | English |
Smart City Advantech's Next-Gen IoT Solution - Maximizing the Power of AI for Smart City Security |
2023/05/31 | UTC+3 | English |
Smart City_Israel Clone : Advantech's Next-Gen IoT Solution - Maximizing the Power of AI for Smart City Security |
2023/05/05 | UTC+3 | Turkish |
IIoT Conference Advantech Turkey IIoT Partner Conference |
2023/04/14 | UTC+8 | Traditional Chinese |
AI x 智慧製造 AI x 智慧製造-創新應用論壇 |
2023/04/06 | UTC+6 | Russian |
Нефтегаз Решения для нефтегазовой отрасли от Advantech |
2023/03/29 | UTC+9 | Korean |
Smart Logistics Advantech Connect | 스마트 물류 창고 및 운송을 위한 자동화 시스템 |
2023/03/08 | UTC+4 | English |
Oil & Gas The Future of Oil and Gas Industry: Cyber Security & Explosion Proof Solutions |
2023/02/22 | UTC+3 | English |
Food & Beverage Optimize Your Food and Beverage Production With Advantech Solutions |
2023/01/20 | UTC+9 | Japanese |
アドバンテックとSRAが業務提携 国内でのUbuntuOSサポート |
2023/05/31 | UTC+3 | English |
Smart City_Israel Clone : Advantech's Next-Gen IoT Solution - Maximizing the Power of AI for Smart City Security |
2024/03/05 | UTC+9 | English |
COM-HPC Unboxing SOM-C350/Performance Test |
2024/03/05 | UTC+9 | Japanese |
【COM-HPC】 SOM-C350の開封/パフォーマンステスト |
2023/01/20 | UTC+9 | Japanese |
アドバンテックとSRAが業務提携 国内でのUbuntuOSサポート |
2023/04/06 | UTC+6 | Russian |
Нефтегаз Решения для нефтегазовой отрасли от Advantech |
2023/07/12 | UTC+9 | Korean |
IIoT Webinar - Edge AI Advantech Connect | Edge AI 기반의 디지털 혁신 전략 |
2023/03/29 | UTC+9 | Korean |
Smart Logistics Advantech Connect | 스마트 물류 창고 및 운송을 위한 자동화 시스템 |
2023/02/22 | UTC+3 | English |
Food & Beverage Optimize Your Food and Beverage Production With Advantech Solutions |
2023/11/30 | UTC+8 | English |
Partnering from Edge to Cloud Solutions 2023 Advantech Service-IoT World Partner Conference |
2023/11/30 | UTC+8 | English |
Edge Evolution - Shaping the Future of Embedded and Emerging Business 2023 Advantech Embedded-IoT World Partner Conference |
2023/10/26 | UTC+8 | English |
Partnering for the next AIoT 2023 Advantech Industrial-IoT World Partner Conference |
2023/08/17 | UTC+8 | Traditional Chinese |
AIoT智能共創園區落成參訪與交流 2023研華產業夥伴峰會 |
2023/04/14 | UTC+8 | Traditional Chinese |
AI x 智慧製造 AI x 智慧製造-創新應用論壇 |
2024/03/01 | UTC+3 | Turkish |
IIoT Webinar Advantech Türkiye Makine Endüstrisinin Geleceği ve Özel Advantech Çözümleri Webinarı |
2023/07/06 | UTC+3 | Turkish |
IIoT Webinar Advantech Türkiye Enerji Sektörü ve Sektöre Özel Advantech Çözümleri Webinarı |
2023/05/05 | UTC+3 | Turkish |
IIoT Conference Advantech Turkey IIoT Partner Conference |
2024/03/08 | UTC+4 | English |
2024 MEA Oil and Gas Webinar Integrating Cybersecurity in Oil & Gas Safety Solutions |
2023/09/06 | UTC+4 | English |
Smart Manufacturing AI-Enhanced AGV and AMR Webinar - Revolutionizing Smart Manufacturing |
2023/05/31 | UTC+4 | English |
Smart City Advantech's Next-Gen IoT Solution - Maximizing the Power of AI for Smart City Security |
2023/03/08 | UTC+4 | English |
Oil & Gas The Future of Oil and Gas Industry: Cyber Security & Explosion Proof Solutions |