RVSD ExpertTalk | Enhanced Efficiency for Cold Storage Operations with the DLT-V73's Screen Defroster

The DLT-V73 series is perfect for cold storage operations, featuring an ultra-rugged design built to withstand extreme temperatures and condensation. Its screen defroster function prevents frost and ice buildup on the touchscreen, boosting productivity and efficiency.
Industry: iLogistics
Audience Type: Technical
Created Date: 2024/11/15
Andreas Steger
Senior Application Engineer, Advantech
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Hello, and welcome to our new ExpertTalk series. My name is Andy, and today I want to introduce you the power settings configuration of the DLT-V73 unit. What's the idea of the power setting? The power setting is a very mighty tool with the configuration of the MDevice, which has two input parameters. The one is the power button itself, and the other is the ignition, which comes from the vehicle forklift. Those can be configured very detailed, and they are good for usability of the unit, making automated shutdowns and, fire-ups of the unit, and also reduce the risk of losing data, because also time limits can be set where the unit shuts down and eliminates applications. To show you the power settings on the unit, we are having a DLT-V73 with Windows 10 and MDevice installed on it. And we have a lab power supply, which is supplying our unit. What you can see here in the front is also the connectors. It's four different colors. It's the grounding, it's the minus, it's the plus, and the red one is the ignition, which we can disconnect and connect to show you the behavior of the unit afterwards. The other side of the cable is connected to the unit. As you can see the grounding with the grounding bolt. Then we have the green Phoenix connector, which we are using on every of our unit. And it's labeled. In the left-hand side minus, in the middle it's plus, and on the right-hand side you can see it's the ignition line. To access the power settings, you have to open the MDevice. To get a closer view into the MDevice, you also can look and watch our other video, which is explaining the MDevice. Here we are just doing the login with the standard password G-O-L-D. And then on the left hand side you can choose the power settings. As you can see with the power settings you can adjust the switch-on behavior of the devices. You also can choose the shutdown behavior of the device. And you have also two input fields where you can input a time in seconds about the follow-up time and the switch-off time. What has to be mentioned is that every setting in the config tool is stored as soon as you make the changes, there is no need for pushing enter or a save button. And what you also can see, different settings in the pull-down menus causing different values in the other pull-down menus, because some settings don't make any sense. Especially if you are deactivating the power key, and on the switch-on, for example, you activate the power key. This makes no sense and therefore it's grayed out. Let me briefly explain the two time-settings, Follow-up time and switch-off time. The follow-up time is quite easy if you are choosing the shutdown controlled by ignition and ignition setting and you shut down the vehicle, then a kind of countdown, which is also shown on the screen, will start and after the countdown, the unit will shut down. The other thing is the switch-off time. This time is a special time, which you can adjust. The Windows applications should be shut down during this time, and if maybe a system or application hangs, after a certain time the unit switch hard off, even if there's something running in the background. You have to adjust this time very wisely because sometimes, some databases need some time to save the data or even some updates in the background or also Windows updates have to be done. And you have to wait until those tasks are finished, and this has to be adjusted by this time. At least 60 to 120 seconds should be almost a minimum, even more. Now I want to show you three examples how the power settings can be configured. The standard configuration is when power key is pressed, also for switch-on and shutdown. Now we are changing it to ignition only. As you can see when Ignition is on now you cannot choose, because it is a non workable configuration with a shutdown. So now you have to put something else only by window shutdown, then you can choose when ignition is on and then also here you can choose when ignition is off. Now we are choosing this setting, ignition is on and ignition is off. And now let's see how the unit reacts if we disconnect the ignition. Now the setting for switch on the device is when ignition is on and to shut down the device when ignition is off. Now we have, shutdown delay time of 15 seconds. As you see, if I disconnect the ignition, unplugging the red connector, immediately the countdown will start and counts down to 0 from 15. If I reattach the ignition, the system is up again and the operating system is coming. If we are changing the value, for example, to 20 seconds and I disconnect the ignition, then immediately it will start the countdown over 20switch-off seconds. The switch-off time is the time in which every task and operating system has to be shut down. After this time, the unit is switching off the power supply hardly. So you should choose the time very wisely and better longer than shorter to give the operating system and all your applications the time to shut down smoothly. The standard value for this time period is 180 seconds. Maybe for your application, you need even more up to one hour maybe to three 3600 seconds. With the ignition, now I show you the whole shutdown and boot up cycle. If you unplug the ignition plug, then you can see the shutdown counter will start. And after the set of 15 seconds, it will do a shutdown. So now the units off. And you can see, even if I push the power button, there's power on the device because the blue LED is lighting up. But the system does not start. If you do nothing and just reattach the ignition, then the unit starts by itself without interaction of the operator. And now it's booting up into the operating system again. This is very useful if you have it attached on a vehicle, which is equipped with an ignition line. So no shutdown or power up of the operator is necessary. The second situation, I want to show you and demonstrate is power button only. If you're now changing to power button only, you can see with the switch on you cannot choose it. But here you have to make a shortcut and here the power key is pressed and then you can also put the power key is pressed continue. And then we have the setting just the power key. Now with the power settings of the power key, I would like to show you the full power cycle. To mention, the follow-up time will not affect, the power key setting because there will not be any countdown. But the switch off time is still valid. After maximum of 180 seconds, the unit will shut down. Right now, if I press the power button, it will shut down immediately, because we don't have any further applications running in the background. What's also to mention, and you can see it, if I disconnect the ignition line, it doesn't affect the unit anymore. And also reconnect the ignition line. It doesn't matter. Now if I press the power button, as you can see, immediately, it starts to shut down. After the the unit has switched off, you can start it again, but just only by pressing the power button. Since every DLT-V73 does a initialization of the internal controller during startup, it takes about 5 to 8 seconds until the first screen appears. So be patient after you press the power button. And then the systems running into this operating system by itself again, and this is the full power cycle. And the last configuration I want to demonstrate is ignition or power key on for switch-on, and power key after ignition off. So let's choose. So you cannot choose it because it's non-working configuration. When the power key is pressed after ignition is off, this is what we're using for shutdown the device. And now ignition is on or the power key is pressed for "Switch on the device." For our last example, I also would like to show you the full power cycle. The settings now is when the ignition is on or the power key is pressed, the units should switch on. And shut down the unit is when the ignition is disconnected, and after that the power key is pressed. So pressing the power key now would not take any effect. If I disconnect now the ignition and press the power key, the system will shut down. Just to mention again, also the follow-up time is not valid in this configuration, because we are switching down with the power key. Only the switch-off time of 180 seconds still is valid. So if something is happening during switch-off after 180 seconds, the unit will do a hard cut and a hard shutdown. So now I press the power button, ignition is off, and then the unit is shutting down. After the shutdown, when the unit is switched off, we have two possibilities. Either we are pressing the power button or we can also use the ignition. If the ignition returns, the unit starts. Now I'd show you how it starts if the ignition returns. And again, please be patient because the initialization has to take place upfront. You see the blue LED is lighting up already and now the display is coming and the system is starting up again. And now the operating system is online. Hopefully, with those examples, I could give you a brief overview about the powerful settings of the config tool. The power settings for the unit and the config tool (MDevice), you can use very good out in the field. For more detailed information, you can find in this operation manual of the unit. If you need further assistance, just contact us with our hotline. Thank you for watching the video, and see you next time for the next video. Bye bye.