What is EdgeHub? | InnoTalks, EP24 (1/2)

InnoTalks Episode 24, Part 1. Unleash the Power of the Edge – Edge Communication & Device Management Platform
Industry: WISE-IoT Solutions, iFactory, IoT Edge Intelligence Software Solutions
Audience Type: General
Created Date: 2024/04/03
Tim Taberner
Tim Taberner
Technical Sales Director, Europe, Advantech
Anders Nielsen
Anders Nielsen
Business Development Manager, Advantech North America
Jim ten Broeke
Jim ten Broeke
Business Development Manager, Advantech Europe
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Great. Well, I think it's time for a demonstration. Thanks, Tim. How My name is Walt Medlock. I'm the application engineering manager for Advantec, I I o t, and North America. Today, I'll give you a brief demonstration of edge sync three sixty edge hub and show how easy it is to connect a single device and display data. Once you have an account set up, simply log in to the Edge Hub, as we do here. Currently, there are four main panels for basic settings. As we come up, there we got, data management, user management, the command center, and device management. I'll go through the panels in this order. First, I'll do the device management, which is where we add our onboard devices for the cloud do monitoring, then I'll do the data management where we set up tags for monitoring and or recording along with setting up events and actions as well as other fun We'll do a brief look at the user management where we control tenant users and permissions. And finally, the command center is where we manage our visualization and create dashboards. To keep it brief, I'm not gonna go through all the features today. I'll just do a few. So let's get started with the device management. As we get into the devices here, you'll see there's four devices in here, the top three are mine. They got green lights, so they're all connected. The first one is an Adam sixty sixty. It's a digital IO module. We got the, uno one seven, which is a small handheld PC. And then we have the ECU ten fifty one, which is an edge link gateway device. So these three have already been set up and they're functioning sending data and displaying on a dashboard. So let's do a brief look at each one of these. When you set up a device, you get some information on the device. Then this tab will give you the full connection on how to connect the device. Here's all the tags that the device is sending up. Here, you can actually monitor the device. So the tags are all zero right now because nothing's on. So let's go ahead and connect the digital. Actually, I got a setting going on to where the digital output will start clicking on and off every two seconds. So you'll see that that starts happening. So the monitoring is obviously working well. Here's the event section to where event to the device happen and you can monitor them and it shows what's going on. We have a configuration where you can actually do some configuration of the add a module remotely through the Edge sync. And finally OTA, this is where you could do firmware up to updates over the air. So that's a look at the add a module. The uno is considered a general PC. So the information looks that way. The con this connection is a little more heavy duty on on the credentials. Here are the tags that are being sent up from this particular VantTech device. One of them being the temperature of the CPU. And, monitoring events again, You can see where the device was offline for a time, applications that are running on the unit. This one's got the app hub for Edge. And configuration, here's where you can reboot the OS or shut down the unit itself. And finally, the ECU gateway, all the same things, which are available. The tags here, I created a couple of devices and have a simulation running for a sawtooth and a sine wave. These are some system tags that come with the device that I decided those two should be included. So it sends up a few tags and Those are once it connects to EdgeSync, all the tags get sent up, and that shows you what's being sent to sync. But then you want to go to divide data management here and decide which tags you actually wanna record. So in this section, I created an object called Walt's tags, and I have my tags inside here. And you can see there's less tags available because these are the only ones that I've configured. So we got the ECU tags and we got one from the UNO, a couple unos here, CPU and temperature, and then from the atom, I got the digital input and a digital output. Now for the user management, this is where you would set up your different users and them permissions, the their roles in the tenant. This is should be pretty straightforward. When gonna spend any time on that. And then finally the command center, this is where you set up your menu list, and your dashboards and configure what your dashboards look like. Now, I've done some customization with my dashboard, so I'm gonna copy the dash board URL and work on it outside of Edge sync. We'll paste and go. And, here you can see Walt's dashboard. Here's the sign wave, here's the sawtooth, here's the uno CPU and the digital output. Well, let's it doesn't look like what I want it to look like. Let's look at the last thirty minutes. So this is a little more representative of what it should look like, because that was looking at a specific time before. You can see CPU temperatures hold and steady about fifty five, fifty three degrees c. It's kinda warm. The the if we go back to the last fifteen minutes, you can see, and I'll zoom in even more. This what the digital output looks like since we've connected it, and it's on and off every two seconds. Let's let's zoom back out to the last fifteen minutes. So it's really easy to get done. So let's go on and go back to the Edge, three sixty five. Edge sync three sixty and do a little bit of, device management here. What I wanna do is I wanna hook my laptop up to it. So we'll create a device and it will be a general PC. And now it needs a device name and a MAC address from the PC. So if you're here and you haven't ever connected, then you wanna download the platform agent. It takes about five minutes. For brevity, I didn't put that in this demo. I've downloaded it and it's running on my PC. So to get to that, it's on the local host one twenty seven port seventeen four four three dashboard. So we'll go there and it wants you to log in. Now I need to log in as an administrator. So we'll do that. If you don't log in as an administrator, it won't let you do some of the configuration. So there's a lot of information here about the disk, the assist process monitor everything you want to know about this PC. And this is not an advantech product, so you can hook about anything up to the, any devices up to the to the edge sync. So let's copy this information from the clipboard, and then we're gonna go back to here, and we're gonna paste from the clipboard. So it's general, and this is my MAC address. So I'm gonna change general to Walt's laptop, and everything else is okay. So we're gonna oh, we wanna change this from construction to operation. We'll save and close. So now it's created a new device, and it's still x because now the the hub, edge hub knows about the laptop, but the laptop doesn't know how to log in. So now that it's created this device, it's created some unique IDs and identifiers to get logged into it. So we're gonna copy the credential here and we'll go back over to my laptop. So we're back at the local host in the laptop. And we're gonna go to settings and information. We're gonna paste their credential. And save. And you can see it's already gone green here. Let's go back to the hub. There we go. It made me had me worried for a second. So now we're connected to the Edge sync three sixty. So we can click on this and Let's go to tags. And you can see there's only a couple tags. This is the immediate connection, but it takes about a minute to get all the tags connected that we want, to monitor or that we'll get sent from the general PC. So if I do a little refresh on this, you'll see that more things come in. So I want to monitor CPU zero. Just see the CPU usage up to a hundred percent. Easy thing to monitor. So if we wanna monitor that first, we have to configure the tag because it's not configured. So we'll go over to data management, and we'll go to Walt's tags, and we're going to add a tag, and we're gonna do a primitive a primitive parameter, and we're gonna call this. Walt's CPU zero. Awesome. And for the data source, We're gonna select Walt's laptop and CPU zero. And then we'll go back to here. We want to record. We'll do it one minute. And recording current value and not a cumulative. And we hit submit, and we're all ready to go. Now there is way to do bulk, of this tags, and we're not gonna get into that. But now we have the data coming and being recorded. Next we want to get it on the dashboard. So let's go to the command center. Actually, we're gonna just go straight to the dashboard, and I want to add a new panel to the dashboards. We're gonna do choose a visualization. And I don't really wanna graph this. I just wanna show the value here. So we'll do a single stat, and then we'll come here to we already got the data source set up for us. And we want it to select it from the ANA demo. This is a group path that I had set up some time back, and the object will come from Walt's tags. And we want the WALT's CPU zero. The property will be value value. And we want the real time data. So you should see that update, and and it already starts updating right away. Let's go and change the panel type to Walt's laptop. CPU zero. There. And let's go back and see what it looks like. Let's it a little bit smaller. And we're on our way. Let's save the dashboard and we're looking at the last fifteen minutes. If I were to graph it, you would see a value changing every so often. It's fairly the same way to set up a graph as well. So, that's how easy it is to add something to the dashboard. I did no programming at all. Alright. Back over to you. Thanks to our technical team for putting that together. Anderson Jim, are there any take home points from the demo that you'd like to stress. What a great demonstration, wasn't it? It really showcased the power and capabilities of our platform. One of the key takeaways here is our solution blends user friendly management interfaces with robust security protocols and cutting its remote management capabilities. This isn't just about making things easier for you, but about providing a secure, reliable, and sustainable edge ecosystem. You're not only equipped with tools to manage your device effectively today, but also prepared for the emerging tech trends and challenges in the future. It's about future proving your operations while maintaining full control and visibility. Yeah. I fully agree with and the Regarding my takeaway, with Edge Hub, we are bringing additional value, not only by the end user taking advantage of an easy to implement platform. But especially to our partners, channel partners, ISVs, so the intelligent, solution providers or the software vendors, system administrators and value added resellers to address a new group of customers and to extend the services they can sell. As one of our channel partners was stating, we need Alfanta software to provide additional differentiation and even more value so that we can sell more hardware. Well, that wraps up today's session. I hope that we've been able to show you that when you're designing a new system, you need to consider not only the functionality of the edge devices you're going to deploy, but also how you're going to monitor, manage and maintain them in the field over the full lifetime of their deployment. Hopefully, we've also given you some ideas for the issues you need to address to minimize the lifetime cost of ownership of your Edge devices and shown you some practical tools available to achieve this when using AdventTech's technology stack. I'd like to thank Handers in June for sharing their expertise. And to our technical team for their demonstration. If you'd like to find out more about Advantech Edge devices, and the tools we offer to help you support them over their full life cycle. Then please get in touch using the details on the screen now. Thanks again for joining us and until next time. Goodbye.